Collage Fun

The word collage is from the French word “coller”, which means “to glue”. Collage is one of my favorite projects to do with children. Most kids really get into the project once they figure out that there isn’t just one right way to do it. At first they may glue five or six pictures that don’t even touch on the page. Show them examples of collages with tilted pictures and images that overlap. Once they get the idea, most kids almost tend to overload the page. To start you need is a board to glue things to. Pick something heavy … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Decorations

Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? Even if you don’t usually do so, there is no reason you can’t start. Making decorations is a fun way to spend time together as a family and it’s also a good outlet for imagination and creativity. You can make suggestions or use projects and ideas that you find here and in other venues, and you can also ask your kids for ideas. Little ones tend to have some pretty ingenious ideas. They may need a little help translating what they see in their mind into something tangible, so having everyone work together is … Continue reading

Our Lives in Pictures

The entirety of my kitchen, half of my daughter’s room and all over my office, on my computer screen, in my husband’s screen saver and more are all family pictures, particularly focusing on our daughter. We have pictures of most of the major moments in her life, including holidays and more. We capture these moments in our life and in our child’s life in pictures. We can look back at them and see their first hour after their birth. We can see their first ride in the car when we took them home. We can see their first Christmas. We … Continue reading